Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I gave a Webinar yesterday for the ISTE (International Society for Technology Education) Mobile Learning Network Mondays Mini-Conference about Biome4Kids. It went well and there are more people interested now from across the US. I am hoping to get more people involved so kids can meet kids and the collaboration can lead to more learning and interaction. You can see the recording HERE.

I am changing the subtitle from "Learning Science..." to "Learning..." since we now have a social studies island (Werowocomoco) and hope to soon have a literacy island created by a teacher in Wisconsin with help from any other teachers interested (and kids of course).

The Deerton kids have been building projects concerning on renewable and non-renewable resources on Imaginaria. I was trying to move the food web to Biosphere but kind of messed it up. I have to work on it.

On another note I am converting Seaborgia to an additional building island since that seems to be what we need.

I am also updating my times online so you can count on me being there. I hope to see you soon. Clowey :)

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